
The EnEco Process

The EnEco TOPS unit will process what other source separation programs are incapable of processing and also processes what other systems normally reject once their process is complete.

In our Poland project, we discovered that even after our clients invested in an advanced recycling plant, half of their garbage remained wasted in a landfill. That's where the EnEco TOPS resource and recycling plant comes in. All the rejects that were going to a landfill are now utilized. That includes: diapers, runners, rags, carpet, drapes, used plastic wrap, meat blotters: you get the idea. Stuff that is really hard to reuse and recycle.

Once the TOPS plant receives your garbage everything is put in for carbon conversion. Carbon conversion is a low temperature decomposition process that breaks down anything that is made of a carbon compound base and converts it to gas. The energy in this gas is released later to generate electricity, power air conditioning or central heat systems, capture water from the atmosphere and provide heat to our aquaponic greenhouse subsystem. Anything that is not carbon, like aluminum cans, copper wire or glass bottles remain in their original form, only sanitized. All these resources are ready for recycling after the thermal decomposition cycle is finished.